Canberra Airport goes red to support ‘Light it Red for Dyslexia’
From 15- 19 October Canberra Airport will ‘Light it Red for Dyslexia’ to support Dyslexia Awareness month in October.
Approximately 15% of Australians have Dyslexia on a continuum and struggle to read, write and spell daily.
Across Australia in October, significant monuments and landmarks will have a red takeover to create awareness in our community of dyslexia, support families and individuals with Dyslexia and to improve education outcomes for those with Dyslexia.
Why red? The colour red was chosen to symbolise the dreaded RED pen often used to correct work. Students with dyslexia usually see red pen in a negative context on their school work. By reclaiming the colour red in a positive light, it is hoped to empower people with dyslexia.
Learn more and view the confirmed light up in your region at Light it Red for Dyslexia
@lightitredfordyslexia #lightitredfordyslexia #LiR2018 #getonboard #dyslexiaawareness